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City Cemetery
Conneaut, Ohio

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~Sharon Wick~

Name Birth Date Death Date Area No. Comments
UNKNOWN,     C02-054 Foundation without a stone.
UNKNOWN,     C01-058 Stone broken off and gone.
UNKNOWN,     B09-037 Large double stone tipped over on it's face.  Too heavy to lift.
UNKNOWN,     C05-040 On face on the ground and too heavy to turn over.  In the Francis Lot.
UNKNOWN,     C03-011 Round base marker missing.
UNKNOWN,     C10-012 Broken and inscription gone
UNKNOWN, 22, Feb. 1813 27, May 1888? C07-054 No name of any kind on this stone.  Difficult to read.
UNKNOWN,     C07-049 Large base with no monument on it.
UNKNOWN,     C10-071 Three stones are broken up and the pieces can not be put together to read.  In the Hatch area.
UNKNOWN,     D11-164 Large double stone on it's face and too heavy to roll over to read.
UNKNOWN,     D07-126 Stone with only SG on it.  No other data on it.
UNKNOWN,     D12-091 Stone on it's face and too heave to lift.
UNKNOWN,     D07-129 Single stone with only L. B. on it and no other data.
UNKNOWN,     D07-130 Single stone with only N. B. on it and no other data.
UNKNOWN,     D05-131 Unusual rock with no data.
UNKNOWN,     D04-144 Foundation and base but no stone and no data.
UNKNOWN,     D07-125 Stone with only PLG on it.  No other data on it.
UNKNOWN, F03-16 Stone broken and illegible
UNKNOWN,     D11-073 Partial stone - illegible
UNKNOWN,     D10-079 Remains of a cement base but nothing left to read.  May be Durkee family monument at one time
UNKNOWN,     D13-149 Broken off and top gone
UNKNOWN,     D11-072 Monument broken off at base
UNKNOWN,     D07-124 Stone with ERG on it only.  No other data
UNKNOWN,     E07-086 Granite Cross with no date on it.
UNKNOWN,     E08-120 Headless statue with no names or data.  Between rows 8 & 9.
UNKNOWN,     E03-077 Urn with no name and a jog in the row.
UNKNOWN Family Monument     C06-034 Large double monument face down.  Ocie Olieff Louise is near this stone but don't know what her last name is.
UNKNOWN,     C07-045 Turned on face and too large to try to lift.
UNKNOWN,     D11-054 Face down and too heavy to lift.
UNKNOWN, A. C.     E04-150 Single stone with only A. C. on it.  Cold be Coughlan or Capron.
UNKNOWN, Ada     B03-023 No surname and impossible to tell what it might be.  Single stone with no other data.
UNKNOWN, Adella     C07-118 May be Loomis because it's next to the Pitcher/Loomis lot.  No other data on the stone.
UNKNOWN, Annie 1869 1884 D12-070 Single stone with no surname and can't be sure, but loosk like it may be a Tinney.
UNKNOWN, Arthur 1870 1949 C07-034 "Father"  Row 6 has a Mother Leona and a large monument turned on it's face.  May be the surname, but can't lift the monument.
UNKNOWN, Arthur     F05-02 Illegible.  "Our Dear Little Arthur"
UNKNOWN, B. W.     F08-22 B. W. is the only thing on the stone.
UNKNOWN, Baby     C08-110 Our Baby.  Stone broken and badly weathered.
UNKNOWN, Baby 15, Dec, 1884 22, Dec, 1884 C06-048 No surname given.  Can't tell by the neighbor stones.  Double stone with Fannie.
UNKNOWN, Bertha     B03-022 No surname and impossible to tell what it might be.  Single stone with no other data.
UNKNOWN, Bertie     D10-077 Nothing else but Bertie on the small stone.  May be Durkee but can't be sure.
UNKNOWN, Bertie & Bertha     B03-026 Both in the same grave.  No surnames & No way to tell who they might be & no other data.
UNKNOWN, Bonnie 1894 1894 D12-106 May be Bonney or Marcy.  Two babies, Leone and Bonnie on one stone with no surname.
UNKNOWN, Carrie 1841 1889 E05-086 Stone with Jennie Unknown.  Could be most any one.  Smith, Whipple or Wilder.
UNKNOWN, Carrie M.     F02-07 Illegible.  Between Lake and Harmon lots and can't tell what her last name really is.
UNKNOWN, Charles W.     C04-014 Small marker that may have been moved.  It looks like the McKinley marker.  Single with no surname or other data.
UNKNOWN, Daniel     F05-15 Illegible.  Broken up.
UNKNOWN, Elmer C.   3?, April 1865 C05-027 Aged 8 yrs. and can't read the rest.  Death date may be 5 instead of 3.  The last name is illegible.  Close to the Montgomery lot.
UNKNOWN, Fannie 11, July 1880 26, Dec, 1880 C06-048 No surname given.  Can't tell by the neighbor stones.  Double stone with Baby.
UNNOWN, Father     C10-035 This could be Puffer, Sweany or Jerrils.  Single stone with no surname and in that area.  Amer. War Vet Flag holder.
UNKNOWN, Father     B04-013 Illegible.  Maybe Kahler.
UNKNOWN, Flora & Mary     B03-026 Off-set behind Birdie & Bertha.  No surname's & no way to tell who they might be & nother other data given.
UNKNOWN, Florence     E09-133 Illegible and can't tell if it's Jones or Smith or neither.  Soloman is also on the stone.  Baby's with no dates.
UNKNOWN, Fred     C01-027 Single stone with just Fred on it.  No dates.  Difficult to tell what the surname really is.
UNKNOWN, Fred     E04-151 Single stone with only Fred on it.  May be Coubhlan or Capron.
UNKNOWN, George     C08-107 Baby but stone too weathered to read.
UNKNOWN, Gracie     D12-087 Single stone with no data or surname.  It's between 2 Kneeland graves & is also alphabetized under Kneeland.
UNKNOWN, Hattie     B03-021 No surname and impossible to tell what it might be.  Single stone with no other data.
UNKNOWN, Hazel 1882 1907 D12-107 Could be Bonney or Marcy.  Single stone with no surname.
UNKNOWN, Henriette   18, May 1853 C10-122 Double stone with Mariette and no surname.  We can't be sure what the surname should be.  Aged 28 days.
UNKNOWN, Hulda A. 8, April 1894 27, March 1896 D05-108 Stone with Mable A., no surname for either.  Weathered & not sure about dates for either.
Sharon Wick's Note:
This was found in the original hand written Register of Deaths 1995 - 1900 as follows:  Hulda A. Anderson died 24 March 1896 aged 2 yrs. - Poisoned by "Rough on Rats" - b. Conn. OH  d. Erie Co., PA. Resided at Clarks Corners.
UNKNOWN, Jennie 1864 1890 E05-086 Stone with Jennie Unknown.  Could be most any one.  Smith, Whipple or Wilder.
UNKNOWN, Leafy A.   27, Mar. 1853/5 C09-088 Age 1 yr.  The name could be Hale or Sanders.  We can't tell by where it is sitting.  Death date could be 1853 or 1855.
UNKNOWN, Leona "Mother" 1868 1916 C06-034 Behind the large family monument face down.  We can't read the surname.  Too heavy to lift
UNKNOWN, Leone 1900 1901 D12-106 May be Bonney or Marcy.  Two babies, Leone and Bonnie on one stone with no surname.
UNKNOWN, Lucy     C04-111 Can't read surname and data.  In Woodworth lot.  Another stone next to this one that is illegible also.
UNKNOWN, Lydia Alvira   25, March 1852 C06-118 Aged 25.  "My Wife" but the surname is not on the stone and doesn't say who's wife.
UNKNOWN, Mable A. 26? Jan., 1893? 24, March 1898 D05-108 Unsure of dates  Stone with Hulda A. and no surname for either.  Weathered and difficult to read.
Sharon Wick's Note:
This was found in the original hand written Register of Deaths 1995 - 1900 as follows:  Mabel A. Anderson died 27 March 1896 aged 3 yrs. - Poisoned by "Rough on Rats" - b. Conn. OH  d. Erie Co., PA. Resided at Clarks Corners.
UNKNOWN, Mariah Ann D12-144 Badly weathered and lying on ground broken.  Will recheck again later.
UNKNOWN, Mariette   6, May 1853 C10-121 Double stone with Henriette and no surname.  We can't be sure what the surname should be.  Aged 16 days.
UNKNOWN, Mary   B03-024 No surname and impossible to tell what it might be.  Single stone with no other data.
UNKNOWN, Mary J.   C08-080 It's badly weathered and illegible
UNKNOWN, Mother 1853 1917 C04-044 Single stone with just Mother on it and the dates.  Between Pollack and Norton lots.
UNKNOWN, Mother & Son E04-102 Urn with Mother & son on it but nothing else.  Between Smith and Huntley lots.
UNKNOWN, Ocie Olieff Louise 1903 1914 C06-034 Large family monument on it's face can't be read.  Probably is this person's last name.  Family monument in this lot.
UNKNOWN, Ray 1889 1890 C11-064 Single stone with no surname.  Next to Mead lot.
UNKNOWN, Rubert & Addison D05-152 Surname illegible and no dates given.  Next to the Loomis lot but can't be sure about surname.
UNKNOWN, Sarah   14, Aug. 1859 C01-028 We can read Sara & the date.  Daug. of but can't tell for sure.  May be Judson.  Badly weathered.
UNKNOWN, Sarah     D13-129 Single stone with just Sarah on it, near the Harmon lot, but not sure if she is a Harmon.
UNKNOWN, Solomon     E09-133 Illegible and can't tell if it's Jones or Smith or neither.  Florence is also on the stone
UNKNOWN, W. O. C.     E04-144 Stone with W. O. C. on in and next to the Capron/Coughlan lot.  No other data given.
UNKNOWN, Walter     B03-025 No surname and impossible to tell what it might be.  Single stone with no other data.
UNKNOWN, Willie 1865 1875 B01-029 No surname is given but appears to be in the Olmstead lot.
VANGORDER, Fanney   ?? 1877 C11-059 Age illegible.  Dau. of & I. & H. M. Vangorder.  "Gone Before"
Van TASSEL, Emma K. 1872 1946 D12-101 No other data
VanTASSEL, Mabel Magill 1884 1941 C07-012 Magill may be her maiden name.
VASBINDER, Goldie M. 1887 1960 C07-061 No other data
VEAZIE, Margaret Townsend 1835 1908 E01-072 "His wife" doesn't say who's wife.  Single stone with no surname, but in the Townsend lot.  Townsend is her married name.
(See Stone)
VENEN Family Monument     D04-145 FAmily Monument with Virgil, Arvilla, Emma, Arthur and Jennie Venen with data.
VENEN, Ann E.   23, Aug, 1852 D-A-155 Age 22 yrs.  Dau. of Darwin P. Venen.
VENEN, Arthur James 1857 1929 D04-145 Family Monument with Virgil, Arvilla, Emma, Arthur and Jennie Venen with data.
VENEN, Arvilla Worden 1821 1897 D04-145 Family Monument with Virgil, Arvilla, Emma, Arthur and Jennie Venen with data.
VENEN, Berta   20, Aug. 1868 D-A-156 Age 10 mo's., 19 days.  Dau. of D. P. & C. L. Venen.
VENEN, Bertie     D-B-158 "Our little Bertie"  No dates given. Only child of J. A. &* M. J. Venen.  "Weep not for him.  He is an angel now."
VENEN, Betsy Flint Brown 8, July 1789 24, Nov. 1871 D13-134 Alphabetized under Flint and Brown.  Wife of Josiah Brown.  Flint may be maiden name and Venen 1st married name.
VENEN, Child     D-B-157 Child of J. A. & M. J. Venen.  Totally illegible.  Badly weathered.  Dates illegible.
Sharon Wick's Note:
See Biography of Edward Augustin Stone
VENEN, Clarinda L. 1834 1901 D-A-158 Hiram with Clarinda and Darwin P. Venen on one stone.
Sharon Wick's Note:
See Biography of Edward Augustin Stone
VENEN, Cora Deyoe 1856 1936 D-A-165 Double stone with Newman B. Deyoe.  Deyoe is her married name.
VENEN, Darwin P. 1823 1901 D-A-159 Hiram with Clarinda and Darwin P. Venen on one stone.
Sharon Wick's Note:
 See Biography of Edward Augustin Stone
VENEN, Emma Elizabeth 1851 1919 D04-145 Family Monument with Virgil, Arvilla, Emma, Arthur and Jennie Venen with data.
VENEN, Hiram H. 1866 1938 D-A-157 Hiram with Clarinda and Darwin P. Venen on one stone.
Sharon Wick's Note:
See Biography of Edward Augustin Stone
VENEN, Jennie Silliman 1874 1946 D04-145 Family monument with Virgil, Arvilla, Emma, Arthur and Jennie Venen with data.
VENEN, John, Dr. 1783 1875 D-B-159 Double stone with Nancy Hayward.
Sharon Wick's Note:
See Biography of Edward Augustin Stone
VENEN, Joseph Albert 21, June 1821 26, July 1907 D-B-155 No other data
Sharon Wick's Note:
See Biography of Edward Augustin Stone
VENEN, Laurel P.   23, July 1827 D-B-162 Aged 9 m., 6 d.  "As when the blushing rose Just blooms then fades away So Laurel did his charms disclose To let the Bloom decay"
Sharon Wick's Note:
See Biography of Edward Augustin Stone
VENEN, Mary A. Scott   28, April 1876 D-B-154 Age 37 yrs.  Scott is her married name.  Wife of John A. Scott
Sharon Wick's Note:
See Biography of Edward Augustin Stone
VENEN, Mary E. Rickard 1861 1953 D-B-164 Rickard is her married name
VENEN, Nancy Hayward 1791 1878 D-B-160 Double stone with Dr. John Venen.  Hayward may be her maiden name.
VENEN, Virgil Howard 1815 1894? D04-145 Family Monument with Virgil, Arvilla, Emma, Arthur and Jennie Venen with data.
Sharon Wick's Note:
(See 1850 Census)
 - See Biography of Edward Augustin Stone
VIETS, Arminus E.   28, Aug. 1881 D11-103 Stone weathered and can't read the birth date.
Sharon Wick's Note:
(See 1860 Census)
VIETS, Barzillia G. 4, Feb. 1818 14, June 1885 VV-01 Viets vault in the G. area.
Sharon Wick's Note:
(See Picture of Mausoleum)
VIETS, Byron B.   8, Oct. 1931 VV-5 Viets vault in the G area.  Age 82 yrs.  Katherine is his wife.
Sharon Wick's Note:
(See Picture of Mausoleum)
VIETS, Delia U.   ? Jan. 1864 D11-104 Aged 43 yrs.  Stone weathered and can't read the day date for sure.  Wife of A. E. Viets.
Sharon Wick's Note:
(See 1860 Census)
VIETS, Elmira 2, May 1875 5, Oct. 1882 D11-101 It says Son of A. & A. Viets.  Should be Dau. of  See under Willie Viets.  Stone engraved wrong.
VIETS, George A.   13, April 1850 D11-102 Age 30 yrs. & 16 days.  Not sure about the 30 yrs.  Son of A. E. & D. I. Viets.
VIETS, Hannah Bushnell 9, June 1820 17 Sept. 1890 VV-02 Viets vault in the G area.  "His wife"
Sharon Wick's Note:
(See Picture of Mausoleum)
VIETS, Katherine A.   18, Dec. 1927 VV-04 Viets vault in the G area.  "His wife"
Sharon Wick's Note:
(See Picture of Mausoleum)
VIETS, Mary J. Grant 2, June 1830 29, Dec. 1890 E03-113 Grant is her married name.  Wife of Henry Grant.
VIETS, Vineta Annah 1880 1902 VV-03 Viets vault in the G area.  "His wife"
Sharon Wick's Note:
(See Picture of Mausoleum)
VIETS, Willie 6, March 1871 8, Oct. 1882 D11-100 It says Dau. of A. & A. Viets.  It should be Son of.  See Viets,  Elmira, Stone engraved wrong.




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