The Conneaut Gazette
Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio

This page contains excerpts from some of the Newspapers

NOTE:  The abbreviation inst. (instance) means the current month.
The abbreviation ult. (ultimate) means the previous month.



DR. WHITON'S Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills

            The convenience of a cheap remedy, in the form of pills, suited to the commencement of most of the indispositions to which we are liable, needs no comment.

            Many diseases in their forming states, are easily arrested, by the exhibition of proper catharic medicines, and the consequent suffering and expense are thereby avoided.

            All that pills can effect, in preserving or restoring health - and that is much - may be expected, and derived, from the timely use of these pills.

            They are peculiarly excellent in every variety of headache, proceeding from a foul acid or bilious state of the stomach; and in all feverishness of the system, dependent on the same cause.  In short, for every derangement of the stomach adn bowels requiring cathartic medicine, the Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills admit no competitor - Price 25 cents.



Unfortunate Accident. - Samuel Davis, Supervisor of Conneaut township, Erie Co. was killed by the falling of a limb from a tree, while working on the road on the 22d ultimo.  He was a very respectable and industrious citizen and his death is much regretted by his fellow citizens. -- Erie Gazette.



The State of Ohio                                             In the Court of Common Please, vacation
Ashtabula County, ss.                                       next after April Term. A.D. 1836.

Reuben Dodge & Betsy Dodge )                                  PETITION FOR PARTITION
Margaret Foster, widow & William Foster,
John Foster and Jane Foster, heirs at
law of William Foster, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given to the defendants that the petitioners filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court, on the 7th day of May A.D. 1835, their petition setting forth that they are tenants in common in fee simple with the said William, John, George and Jane Foster, and that the said Margaret Foster is entitled to her dower therein, of one half acre of land in lot number four, tract number two fractional township number fourteen in the first-range of townships in the Connecticut Western Reserve (SHARON'S NOTE:  this goes on and on.....)



The Co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 15th inst.  The notes said accounts of the firm by the terms of dissolution belong to B. F. Fifield, who is authorized to settle the same.

                                    B. F. FIFIELD
                                    SAMUEL KENNADY.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - April 30, 1835.

N.B. The undersigned will continue the business, at the old stand on the same accommodating terms as heretofore, and where he will be thankful to receive the calls of his friends.

                                    B. F. FIFIELD



BY virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Ashtabula county, I shall expose to public sale, at the Ohio Mansion House, in the borough of Conneaut, on Tuesday the 19th day of May inst. sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M. the following property, viz: - A STAGE COACH and ONE BAY STUD HORSE, taken at the property of Samuel Helvering, to satisfy an execution in favor of James B. & Anilliam Clark against Samuel Helvering and John Hackett, and one in favor of Frederick A. Clark and others, survivors of the late firm of H. Booream & Co. against Samuel Helvering and Edward Gilman.

                                    J. M. BLOSS, Sheriff

Sheriff's Office, Monroe)

May 4, 1835                )  $1.25


To All whom it may concern.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the administration of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Samuel L. Fenton, late of Conneaut township, in the county of Ashtabula, Ohio, deceased, has been committed unto the subscribers.  All persons who have claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them within one year, legally authenticated for settlement.  Those indebted are expected to make immediate payment.

                                    CHARLOTTE FENTON, Admin.
                                    GEO. MORTON, Adm'r.

Conneaut, April 15, 1835.                                                                    21



DR. G. FIFIELD has removed to the house, opposite A. Dart's Store; where he will be happy to receive the call of his friends.

January 24, 183_

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - June 12, 1835



MARRIED - At Deep River, Ct. on the 31st ult. Mr. Henry G. Thurber, to Miss Harriett N. Loomis, both of Kingsville, in this county.



On the beach of the Lake at Howard Allen's in Kingsville a Trunk, containing articles of womens clothing, & c. with the name of Miss Mary Yallop."  The owner can apply to the subscriber, in Kingsville, near said Allen's

                                    HUBBARD CROSS.

May 23d, 1835.


THE STATE OF OHIO   )                               In the Supreme Court vacation
Ashtabula County ss.)                                       next preceding August Term, A.D. 1835.

Clarissa Cummings  )
            vs.           ) Petition for Divorce
Benjamin Cummins   )

NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 2d day of June, A.D. 1835, the said Clarissa Cummings, filed her petition in the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court, within and for the county of Ashtabula aforesaid, setting forth that she was lawfully married to the said Benjamin Cummings, was guilty of extreme cruelty and of gross neglect towards the said Clarissa Cummings; and prays that she may be absolved from the obligations of the said marriage contract, and that the said marriage contract now existing between her and the said Benjamin Cummins may be dissolved; which said petition is now pending in said Court, and will be acted upon at the next term of said Court, & c.

                                    O. H. KNAPP, Att'y for Petitioner.

June 2, 1835.                                                                                                   27-2m


Borough of Conneaut - May 26, 1835

NOTICE - of continuation of streets.

Friday, June 19, 1835 - Vol. IV No. 29 Whole No. 185


Ashtabula Common Pleas          )
April Term 1835                         )
                                                                        Petition for authority
                                                                        to fulfill land contract
Thomas D. Webb, Administrator              )
on the estate of Robert B. Parkham         )

Notice is hereby given that the said Webb has filed his Petition in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Please of Ashtabula county, praying for authority to fulfill a contract made by Robert B. Parkham with John E. Barnes, a part of lot 48 in the Tuckerman tract in Trumbull.

Thomas D. Webb, Adm'r
May 15, 1935

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - June 26, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 30. - Whole No. 186

MARRIED - In Springfield, PA. on Thursday the 13th inst. by D. G. Webb, Esq.  Mr. Henry S. Gould, to Miss Jemima Simons all of the said place.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - August 7, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 36. - Whole No. 190

DIED - In this village, on Tuesday last, Aseneth, daughter of Mr. C. W. Applebey, aged seven months.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - August 14, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 37 - Whole No. 193

School Teacher Wanted:
A gentleman well qualified, with good recommendations, will find employment at the Union School House
- R. Lyon. Director
Conneaut, July 23? 1835




THE STATE OF OHIO   )                               In the Supreme Court vacation
Ashtabula County ss.)                                       next preceding August Term, A.D. 1835.

Silas Wood         )
            vs.           ) Petition for Divorce
Olive Wood        )

NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 22d day of June, A.D. 1835, the said Silas Wood filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of Ashtabula aforesaid his petition, setting forth that he was lawfully marred to the said Olive Wood and that the said Olive has been wilfully absent from him the said Silas Wood for the three years last past, and still is wilfully absent from him the said Silas Wood; and prays that he may be absolved from the obligations of the said marriage contract, and that the said marriage contract  may be dissolved, abrogated and annulled; which said petition is now pending in said Court, and will be acted upon at the next term of said Court, & c.

                                                O. H. KNAPP,

June 22, 1835.                         Attorney for Petitioner

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - August 21, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 38 - Whole No. 194

(nothing noted here)

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - August 26, 1835


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - August 28, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 39 - Whole No. 195

MARRIED - At Kingsville on the 2d inst. Mr. Charles Harback to Miss Emily Wright, of this township.


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - August 28, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 40 - Whole No. 196


WILL be sold at public vendue, on Saturday, the 26th day of September inst. at the late dwelling house of William Foster, deceased, the following property, viz:  Two Two Horse Waggons, one One Horse Waggon, one Horse, four Feather Beds, together with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention.  Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M. when the terms will be made known and attendance given by.

                                                MARGARET FOSTER, Adm'r
                                                DAVID FORD, Adm'r

September 4, 1835.

Friday, September 4, 1835 - Vol IV #40 Whole #196 

Administrator's Sale

NOTICE is hereby given, that we shall sell at public vendue on Saturday the 19th day of September inst. at the late residence of Dr. Fenton, in the borough of Conneaut, that personal property of the estate of the late Samuel L. Fenton, consisting of the first rate horse, harness, gig or chaise, a library of the best selected books in the country, and a large lot of other articles.  Terms of said sale made known at said time and place.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - September 11, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 41 - Whole No. 197


NOTICE is hereby given, that we shall sell at public vendue, on Saturday the 19th day of September, inst. at the late residence of Dr. Fenton, in the borough of Conneaut, the personal property of the estate of the late Samuel L. Fenton, consisting of a first rate horse, harness, gig or chaise, a library of the best selected books in the country, and a large lot of other articles.  Terms of sale made known at said time and place.

                                                CHARLOTTE FENTON, Adm'r

                                                GEO. MORTON, Adm'r

Conneaut, Sept. 3, 1835.

P.S.  Those owing said estate are notified that they must settle their accounts previous to the first day of October next.


MARRIED - in this township, on the 8th inst. by Elder Viets, Mr. Horatio Lovejoy to Miss Dolly Ann Veits, all of this township.
(NOTE:  See 1880 Census)



THE subscribers would respectfully request all who are indebted to them, by book account or otherwise, to call and settle immediately as they are about to discontinue and close up their business and leave the place.  Produce will be taken in payment, cash accounts excepted.

                                                R. & D. MATSON
Conneaut, August 25, 1835.



Is hereby given to all persons interested that at my instance a writ of attachment was this day issued by Abel Krum, a justice of the peace of Cherry Valley township, in the County of Ashtabula, against the goods, chattels, rights, credits, moneys and effects of Mary Brice, an absconding debtor. 

September 5, 1835

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Friday, September 18, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 42 - Whole No. 198

MARRIED - In Springfield, PA on the 10th inst. by the Rev. E. Harrington, Mr. Lewis Cooper of Vernon, Crawford county, to Miss Elizabeth W. Read, of the former place.

DIED - In Spring township, Crawford Co., Pa on Thursday the 16th day of July ult. Mr. Nathaniel Pond, aged 75 years, 6 months and 2 days.  Mr. Pond was one of the thirteen brothers, seven of whom, including himself, were known to have been in the revolutionary service at one and the same time, in instance seldem of ever known.  The deceased has left a very numerous circle of relatives and acquaintances to lament his loss - Communicated.



James Wooster, Complainant                 )
Elijah E. Roberson and                           )
Israel A. Robinson                                  )Defendants


ELIJAH E. ROBERSON, one of the above named Defendants, hereby notified that on the 28th day of May, 1835, James Wooster, of the County of Ashtabula aforesaid, filed in the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Ashtabula, and State of Ohio, a Bill in Chancery against the said Elijah E. Roberson and Israel A. Robinson, setting forth that a certain judgment obtained by the said Elijah E. Roberson against the said James Wooster, before John V. Singer, Esquire, a Justice of the Peace of said County on the 13th day of February 1834, for the sum of $48.21 debt and $6.26 1-2 costs, had been fully satisfied, and praying for an injunction against the said defendants, staying all proceedings upon the said judgment before the said Justice and upon the execution issued thereon, and that the said Elijah E. Roberson might be decreed to satisfy and cancel the said judgment of record.  And the said Elijah E. Roberson is farther notified that unless he appears and pleads, answers or demurs to the said bill within sixty-days after the next term of said Court, the said James Wooster at the term next after the expiration of said sixty days will apply to the said Court to take the matters of the said Bill as confessed, and to decree thereon accordingly.

Sol'rs for Compl't.
35 - 6t.
July 25, 1835


Borough of Conneaut - May 26, 1835

NOTICE - of continuation of streets



NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of Ashtabula and State of Ohio, I shall order at public sale on the 21st day of September next, on the premises, one undivided fifth part of the following piece of land situated in the township of Monroe, in the county of Ashtabula aforesaid, to wit: - sixty-five and one half acres of land, it being the south west corner of lot No. 22 in said township of Monroe and is bounded as follows:  on the east by land formerly owned by John Hutchins on the west by lot No. 21 on the south by lot No. 10.  Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, P.M.

Guardian of Ethel Chase.
O. H. Knapp, Att'y
August 13, 1835



WILL be sold at public vendue, on Saturday the 26th day of September inst. at the late dwelling house of William Foster, deceased, the following property, viz: - Two Two Horse Waggons, one One Horse Waggon, one Horse, four Feather Beds, together with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention.  Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. when the terms will be made known and attendance given by
September 4, 1835


Jefferson, August 23, 1835

NOTICE is hereby given to the members of the Second Light Infantry Company to the first Infantry Regiment, 3d Brigade, 9th Division, Ohio Militia, to meet at the Mansion House, in Conneaut, on Saturday, the 12th of September next, between legal hours, and proceed as the law directs, to elect one Captain, one Lieutenant, and one Ensign to command said company.  Hereof fail not, and make due return according to law, on penalty of being disbanded and attached to the adjoining infantry companies in case of failure to elect.

T. A. MILLER, Brigadier General



The Ashtabula County Colonization Society will hold its annual meeting at the village of Ashtabula, on the 30th day of September inst. at one o'clock P.M. and it is earnestly requested that all members of the Society and others who are disposed to give their influence to its behalf and in behalf of the objects which it is designed to promote, will give their attendance punctually at the hour.  The American Colonization Society having Resolved, "that relying on the aid of Devine Providence, and the liberality of the friends of the Society, they will endevour to raise one hundred thousand dollars for the cause of African colonization during the present year," and the friends of the Society leaving __ , many parts of the United States come forward promptly with their donations to aid the parent institution in tis noble undertaking, it is hoped that eh people of Ashtabula county will also come forward and do their duty.

Col. So. Ashtabula Co.
Jefferson, Sept. 7, 1835



Is hereby given to all persons interested that a writ of attachment was issued on the 15th day of August, A.D. 1835, by Paul Howland, a Justice of the Peace of Pierpont in the County of Ashtabula, State of Ohio, against the goods, chattels, rights, credits, moneys and effects of Oliver Hopkins, an absent debtor.

September 18, 1835

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - September 25, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 43 - Whole No. 199

DIED - Of a pulmonary complaint, on the 11th Sept. Mrs. Hannah Evans, wife of Lyman Evans, Esq. of this place, in her 44th year.  During her illness she bore it with Christian fortitude, and in every respect appeared submissive to the will of her Heavenly Father, not withstanding the ties of nature which bound her to her companion and children.  In the death of this amiable woman, not only her companion and children, but all of her acquaintances have met with a loss which will be lamented in weeds of sorrow.

The all of her that e're could die,
Now sleeps beneath the sod.
The spark of immortality
Hath risen to its God. - Com.

Springfield, 23d Sept. 1835

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - October 2, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 44 - Whole No. 200


There will be a meeting of the Conneaut Temperance Society, at the Centre School House, on Wednesday evening, the 3th inst. at early candle lighting.  It is expected that Elder Barr will address the meeting.

                                    Pr. Order
                                    JOHN CAPRON, Sec'ry
October 2, 1835.


LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio, October, 1, 1835.

Erastus Allen,
W. C. Anthony,
C. W. Applebey
Alva Barr,
Elder Oliver Barr,
James H. Bray,
Liman Brewster,
Renselear S. V. Burrington,
Mrs. Lucretia Banister,
Lewis Buck,
H. G. O. Babcock,
Chancy Burington,
Aurelia Blakesly,
Lemuel Barber,
Malkiah Brindle
Jared Cottrell
Elder Cross, Innkeeper
Ephraim B. Corkins
Fairfield S. Cheney
Benjain Cushing
Alexander R. Chase,
J. Z. Cozens
Hosea Dewolf
David Darling
William Dean
Edwin Dorman
Tyler Dodge and Esther Dodge  
Mrs. Elizabeth Ely
Mary Everson
Charles Fuller,
Harrison Fifield
James Farr, William
French, Adonijah Fuller
Harrison W. Fifield
Samuel P. Fenton
Sanford Goodell
William Gould
Loren Gould
Lucretia Gibson
T. B. Howard,
Henry Hall,
S. S. Howard,
Beriah Hoil
Edmund Johnson
Samuel Kennedy
Elijah King
Daniel W. Kirby
Henry Keyes
Benjamin Loomis
Joel Loveland
Mary A. Lewis
Samuel Mathews
Benjamin McIntire
Andrew McGee
Charles McKinley
John Marten
Mr. Neip
John P. Ovail
Ezekiel Olds
M. P. Ormsby
Thomas Poyner?
Northrop Peck
Jesse Phillips
Aroa Parks, Jr.
J. V. Phelps
Andress Parker
William Phoenix
Jesse Phillips
Miss Betsy G. Palmer
Samuel Paydon
Edward Rogers
Zeebina Ransom
Otho D. Rench
William Richardson
Miss Elizabeth Ann Rich
Miss Minerva Robinson
Miss Clarasena Slayton
Doct. Hiram Stowell
John Swap
Sally Sanford
James L. Simons
Silas N. Slawson
M. C. Shopley
Richard Sears 
Judson Simons
James Sumner
William Turner
Eri Thomas
William Smith-Taylor
Silvanus Travis
James Tubbs
Ira Woodcock or Joseph Vinson
William P. Wattles
A. K. Warren
John C. Walker
Noyes White
Asa Wheeler
Frederick Whiteley
Henry C. Walker 

            A. DART, P.M. (Postmaster)

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - October 9, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 45 - Whole No. 201

ARTICLE ON Sighting of Haley's Comet


MARRIED - In this village, on the 4th inst. by Elder Olivar Barr, Mr. Edwin G. Benjamin to Miss Delia Allen, all of this place.


DIED - In this village on the 3d, inst.  Thaddeus, son of A. R. Warren, aged 15 months.

            In the same place on the 26th ult. Steward, son of P. Mains, aged 4 years and 5 months.

            In the same place, on the 3d inst.  Martha, daughter of Galen Thayer, aged 7 years.

            In the same place, on the 5th inst.  Adeline, daughter of P. Mains, aged 6 years 3 months.

            In the same place, on the __ ult.  Lemuel, son of J. D. Truax, aged 11 months.

            In the same place, on Wednesday evening last, son of S. S. Howard, aged about 4 months and two weeks.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - October 16, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 46 - Whole No. 202


The Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of J. & D. Brooks, is this day by mutual consent dissolved.  All demands, against said firm will be canceled by Daniel Brooks, and all indebted  to said firm, will make payment to him.

                                                DANIEL BROOKS
                                                JAMES BROOKS

N. B. The subscriber intends continuing business as formerly, and hopes to receive the continued patronage of former customers.

                                                DANIEL BROOKS

East Conneaut, Oct. 7th, 1835

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - October 23, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 47 - Whole No. 203


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - October 30, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 48 - Whole No. 204

DIED - In this village, on the 24th inst. Ann, daughter of Henry Woodworth, aged 3 years

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - November 6, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 49 - Whole No. 205

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - November 13, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 50 - Whole No. 206

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - November 20, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 51 - Whole No. 207

MARRIED - In Monroe, on the 11th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Woodward, Mr. Heman Ticknor, merchant, of Williamsfield, to Miss Clarissa Bloss, of the former place.



Departed this life, in Brimfield, Mass, on the 20th ult. much lamented by a very large circle of relatives and friends, Ichabod Bliss, Esq. aged 67 years.   The deceased through life, till a few days before his death, had embraced the doctrine of Universal Salvation; but when the time of his dissolution appeared to be drawing nigh, he changed his opinion and embraced the truth as it is plainly revealed in the scriptures, found peace, and the last words he uttered were, "The Saviour is precious."  He was a kind and affectionate husband, a tender and indulgent father and most beloved by those who knew him best.

                                                                        Woonsocket Patriot



THIS large and commodius establishment is now offered for sale, by the proprietor.  It is situated in the pleasant, healthy, and flourishing village of Conneaut, on the great thoroughfare between the East and the West.  It is the general Stage House, three regular lines arrive and depart daily.  For business or pleasantness it is not second to any in this country, and offers a rare chance for a profitable investment by anyone wishing to enter into the business.  The barns, sheds and other outbuildings are large and convenient, and has a good well of never failing water, a good garden and a choice selection of apple trees.  The house has lately undergone a thorough repair and is now fitted up in good style.  Terms made known on application to the subscriber or to Messrs. Matson & Hall.

                                                            LEMUEL JONES

Conneaut, O, October 12, 1835.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - November 27, 1835 - Vol. IV - No. 52 - Whole No. 208


Clock and Watch Maker,

This old stand, will hold himself in readiness at all times to answer every call in his kind of business.  He has just received a general assortment of Watches, Silver Ware & Jewelry, with which he intends to be constantly supplied and will sell as reasonable as can be purchased elsewhere in the country.

Conneaut, November 24, 1835                    tf

N. B. No watches will be delivered to any except the owner without a written order.


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - December 4, 1835 - Vol. V - No. 1 - Whole No. 209
, at Ravenna on the 15th ult. by the Rev. A. Nash, Lauren Dewey Esq. editor of the Ohio Star to Miss Mary G. DeWolf, eldest daughter of Dr. Joseph DeWolf.

            At Buffalo on the 19th ult. by the Rev. Wm. Shelton, Capt. Wm. T. Pease, to Miss Juliet E. daughter of L. R. Harrington Esq. of the Eagle Tavern.

            On the 7th ult. by the same, Mr. Alexiserlexander Eustuphiere, son of the Russian Consul General for the United States, to Miss Emily Wilson, all of that city.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - December 11, 1835 - Vol. V - No. 2 - Whole No. 210
MARRIED. On the 22d ult. at Waterford, Pa. by Wm. Vincent, Esq., C. V. Eastman, Esq., to Miss Diana Moe, both of this township.


Those interested ill please meet at the Conneaut House, in the borough of Conneaut, on Tuesday evening next, to hear the report of the committee appointed to take measures to ferret out those who were engaged in disinterring bodies from the burying ground in this place.

                                                By order of the Committee

Conneaut, Dec. 10, 1835


MARRIED - Yesterday, in Springfield, Pa by D. G. Webber, Esq. Mr. Lewis W. Wright, to Miss Almira Clark of Springfield.

DIED in Williamsfield, on the 1st inst. Miss Sally Ann Speers, aged 15 years.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - December 18, 1835 - Vol. V - No. 3 - Whole No. 211

DIED - At Wayne on the 11th inst. Nelson, eldest son of Samuel L. Holcomb, aged 16 years.  His death was occasioned by a pitch fork entering his body.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - December 25, 1835 - Vol. V - No. 4 - Whole No. 212


START ON JANUARY 1, 1836<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Jan. 13, 1837

DIED: In this township yesterday, Mr. John Jacobs, son of Rev. Asa Jacobs, aged 20 years.

NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION for the Estate of Calvin Palmer.

List of Letters from Post office


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Jan. 20, 1837

MARRIED:  In this township of Saturday the 14th inst., by Rev. Asa Jacobs, Mr. John Haskells to Miss Mary Ann Williams, all of this township.

In the same place on Tuesday the 17th Inst., by the same, Mr. Harvey Williams to Miss Sally Crittenden all of the same place.

In New York, Adams Devine to Miss Martha M. Penniman.

DIED:  In this village, on Tuesday last, Mrs. Maria Hammond, wife of Mr. A. C. Hammond, aged 24 years.

In Ashtabula on the 17th inst., Mr. James Post, Merchant of that place, aged about 25.

ALSO: List of Letters from Post Office.

ALSO:  Administration Notice of Estate of David Taylor
                 S. F. Taylor & D. Williams, Administrators.


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Jan. 27, 1837

     At Dunkirk on the 5th inst. by the Rev. T. Stillman, Mr. W. L. Carpenter, Editor of the Dunkirk Beacon to Miss Frances, daughter of Josiah W. Bristol, all of Dunkirk.

     In this village on Tuesday morning last, of consumption, Mrs. Sarah wife of James Johnson, aged about 50 years.
     Captain John Shipboy aged about 70 years formerly of Middlefield, Otsego Co., and a very respectable inhabitant.


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Feb. 17, 1837

All persons are hereby warned against purchasing a Note for ninty dollars given by me to Samuel Kennedy dated March 23, 1836 as it was obtained by fraud and I shall not pay the same.
                      JAMES DARLING
Conneaut, Feb. 17, 1837


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Feb. 24, 1837

     In Beaver township on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Asa Jacobs - Mr. Ralph Wright, jr of this town, to Miss Ann Griswold of the former place.
     In Springfield on Sunday last Mr. Hugh Morrell aged about 91 years.


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Mar. 9, 1837

     In Eagleville, on the 22d ult. by the Rev. Mr. Barret, Mr. Andrew Griffing of Rome to Miss Caroline S. Battell of the former place.


     In Warren, on the 5th inst., Mr. Robert McFarlane merchant of that village, about 34 years.


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Mar. 30, 1837

     In Monroe on the 21st Inst. by the Rev. J. L. Richmond, Mr. Nathaniel H. Stout of Louisville, Ky., to Mrs. Caroline Holcomb (formerly Miss Benton) of Monroe township.

Departed this life on the 21st inst. in the town of Monroe, Mrs. Edith Hayward in the 31st year of her age.  Her life though protracted to a great age, was a practical comment on the religion of Christ.  Her end was peace; her hopes of immortality and eternal life,...........etc. etc. (will be finished upon request.


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Apr. 6, 1837



CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Apr. 20, 1837



CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 4, 1837

     In Monroe township on the 2d inst. of the consumption Miss Fanny Chapman aged about 19


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 18, 1837


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 25, 1837


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 1, 1837


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 8, 1837


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 15, 1837


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 8, 1837




CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Sept. 7, 1837

In this town on Sunday evening last, Mr. Apollos Kent aged 76.


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, November 9, 1837 - Whole No. 310
LIST OF DELINQUENT LANDS for all Ashtabula County, Ohio

Do this next



CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Apr. 26, 1838 - Whole No. 320
MARRIED - In Springfield, on the 19th inst. by Dr. A. Ryan, Mr. Joseph Chase, to Miss Ordelia Stevens, both of this town.
DIED - In this town on the 23d March, Mariah A. Blakeslee, youngest daughter of Major
Blakeslee, aged 13 years. Her disease was painful, and long protracted. But she entertained a hope in the Savior, and died with the blissful expectation of a blessed immortality - "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
LIST OF LETTERS - Conneaut March 31, 1838

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 17, 1838 - Whole No. 325
MARRIED - On the 13th inst.;by Elder J. L. Richmond, Mr. Levi Judd to Miss Louisa Young.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 24, 1838 - Whole No. 324


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 7, 1838 - Whole No. 326
(Microfilm blurry)

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 14, 1838 - Whole No. 327
MARRIED - In this town on the 10th inst., by J. Wilson, Esq. Mr. Guy Thompson to Miss Amelia Wing.
Mr. Sparks married Miss Dial, in Indiana, after a courtship of twenty-five years. We are afraid its a little too late for that spark to make a son-dial of her.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 21, 1838 - Whole No. 328


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 28, 1838 - Whole No. 329
MARRIED - At Andover, on the 21sst ult. by the Rev. Robert Allen, Mr. George Roberts, Pastor of the Congregational Church, to Miss Hannah Ann Jennet, daughter of Lebius Marvin, all of the above place.
On the 24th inst. by the Rev. J. L. Richmond, Mr. Jared D. Ransom, to Miss Charlotte Matson, of of this place.
A villainous fellow in one of the western counties of Virginia, who had whipped his wife was ducked by a party of youngsters; whereupon he sued for damages. The Jury, after settling ten minutes, returned a document to the court, in the form following to wit: - "Verdict of the jury - served him right. - John Simpson, Foreman.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, July 12, 1838 - Whole No. 331


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, July 19, 1838 - Whole No. 332
LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Conneaut, O., June 30, 1838

LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Kingsville, O., June 30, 1838

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, July 26, 1838 - Whole No. 333


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, August 2, 1838 - Whole No. 334 ========================================
MARRIED - At Ashtabula, on the 26th ult. by Elder J. J. ___, Dr. M. P. Hadley of Conneaut, to Miss ___ah Blodget, of the former place.
A beautiful piece of the wedding loaf, comes to the hungry printer like an oasis in the desert, like a thirsty wanderer. We wish them the or___y sweets of connubial felicity. It is all we can reasonably do, and from experience we known all __is a man can well bear. We wish them everything by way of comfort, peace and plenty.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, August 23, 1838 - Whole No. 337
NEW BEDFORD, MASS, Aug. 9, 1838
Great excitement prevails here owing to the arrest of Mr. Thomas Lewis, of this place, by Mr. David Ruggles of the New York Committee of Vigilence. Ruggles has charged him with kidnapping three negro boys, who, by the assistance of Captain Wilson, of the steamboat New Castle, he has sold to slavery. L. was ordered to find bail in $5,000, in want of which he was lodged in gaol.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, August 30, 1838 - Whole No. 338
MARRIED - On the 26th inst., at Springfield, Pa. by Eld. O. Barr, Mr. Elias P. Smith, to Miss Ruana F. Wing, both of Conneaut.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, September 6, 1838 - Whole No. 339
ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE - All persons indebted to the estate of David Sacket, late of Denmark deceased, are hereby requested to present their accounts legally proven for adjustment by the first day of August 1839.
ARCHIBALD GOULD, Administrator
Pierpont, Aug. 11, 1838 337w3
MARRIED - In Kingsville on the 3d inst. by Rev. Mr. Gregg, Mr. J. Danforth of Middletown, Conn. to Miss Mary E. daughter of Ichabod Curtiss, of the former place.
[With the above the Printers received a bountiful share of the wedding cake, for which, the happy pair will please accept their thanks.]
At a meeting of the Delegates to the Whig Convention held at the Court House in Jefferson, according to previous notice, on the 23th day of August, 1838, the object of the meeting being stated, Dr. L. L. Chester was called to the Chair, and Harvey Tuttle and Ralph Plumb were appointed Secretaries.
On motion, adjourned to meet at one o'clock p.m.
Met pursuant to adjournment. The meeting being called to order by the chair, delegates were requested to present their credentials. Whereupon, delegates came forward in the following order and took their scats as members of this Convention;
Ashtabula - Nathan Parrish, Paul B. Harris, Martin Watrous, Abisha Lawton, and Allison Turner.
Conneaut - R. Lyon, B. Randall, Ezra Dibble, C. W. Appleby, and I. A. Robinson.
Rome - Andrew M. Griffin, Levi Crosby, Dr. L. L. Chester and David Crowell
Morgan - G. W. Quigby, Wm. C. St. John and Sidney A. Bunce.
Wayne - Joseph B. Barber, Simon Fobes, Jr. & Cyrus T. Camp
Austinburgh - Lucretius Bissel, O. K. Hawley; L. M. Coules, Jarius Guild and Solomon Hills
Sheffield - Andrew Norton and Isaac Stevens
Orwell - Ezra Pratt and Franklin Smith.
Williamsfield - Daniel Rose, Bartlet Leonard and Alanson Salter
Windsor - Hiram Morgan, Miron M'Intosh, J. M. Cook and Isaac Hillyard
Geneva - David L. Gaylord, Oren Knapp, R. L. Bartholomew, Eliphalet Mills and Augustus Bartholomew
Jefferson - Flavel Sutliff, Milo Wilder and E. W. Hickock
Trumbull - Isaac H. Phelps and William Hunter
Millsford - John Smith and Thomas J. Collins.
Andover - Nathaniel Owen, O. B. Case and A. Coleman
Cherry Valley - Anson J. Giddings, Harvey Tuttle and Task Creecy
Saybrook - William Sheldon, W. T. Simons, Elisha Walker and W. C. Exton?
Kingsville - H. G. Thurber, J. Holkins, Jr. Calvin Luce, S. W. Osborne and Samuel Newton.
Harpersfield - J. B. Bartholomew, R. Mosely, Ezra Gregory and Silas P. Collar.
Monroe - C. B. Woodbury, T. C. Dewy and John Hardy.
Colebrook - E. C. Beckwith and B. F. Phillips
Pierpont - Ambros Ford, A. G. Hopkins, and Paul Howland.
Richmond - Merriman Barber, Moody Pike and E. Seymour.
Lenox - Alfred Mosher and Ralph Plumb
Plymouth - Warner Mann and Josiah Allen
New Lyme - Jeremiah Dodge, J. F. Lattimer & A. Lattimer
Hartsgrove - Archibald Luddington and David A. Bacon
Denmark - Alanson Williams

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Oct. 4, 1838 - Whole No. 343
MARRIED - In Monroe, on the 2d inst., by Eld. J. J. Bliss, Mr. Gerrit S. Rice, of this place to Miss Sarah G. Cooper, of the former place.
Alanson Durkee is one of the Committee of Monroe Township published last week. It should be Solomon Durkee.
Conneaut - Joseph Wilson, Wm. Harper, Daniel Baldwin, Jas. Kennedy, Eber Sanford, Henry Smith, Jr., Jas. Sumner, P. W. Grant, Wm. G. Sawtell, John Reid and B. Randall.
Monroe - T. C. Dewey, George P. Gardner, John Hardy and Alanson Durkee.
Pierpont - Archibald Gould, Stephen Hopkins, Paul Howland, L. Wright, H. Kennedy.
Ashtabula - Paul B. Harris, Marvin M. Sawtell, H. E. Parsons, Anson Luce & John B. Waltrous
Austinburgh - John Prentiss, L. Bissell, S. Hills, S. Wright and Jairus Guild
Andover - Wm. Brigdon, Dexter Bates, J. F. Whitmore, John Picket Jr., and Nathan Owen.
Denmark - P. Fogt, Jr., and E. F. Crowell
Harpesfield - Ulysses D. Kellogg, L. Q. C. Dean, C. B. Stratten, E. Gregory, Bryant Ward, and R. Atkins
Jefferson - Milo Wilder, J. Merrills, D. S. Fenn and Eben hickok.
Lennox - R. Plumb, James Ray, S. D. Harris, Heman Watson and Timothy Watrous
New Lyme - Lyman Peck, J. Dodge, B. Reeve and E. Beckwith.
Sheffield - J. L. Gage, Isaac Stevens, S. C. Johnson.
Morgan - G. W. St. ___, ____ Wright, Lemuel Clark, Royce ____, ____ M. Whitney.
Millsford - John Smith, T. J. Collins and O. Smith
Rome - Sam'l. Crowell, C. Champlin, and Dr. Chester.
Trumbull - Asa Wait, I. H. Phelps, N. Brown
Williamsfield - H. Ticknor, A. P. Giddings, M. Leonard and Levi Smith
Wayne - C. C. Wick, D. Jones, Geo. Barber, N. Coleman, Jr. and E. Giddings.
Windsor - M. Barnard, Isaac Hillyard, Jesse Cook, E. Gibbs, and Esq. Clapp.
Saybrook - R. S. Harris, Wm. Jackson, Anson Hotchkiss, Cha's Walker, Wm. Simons and Wm. Shelden
Orwell - Ezra Pratt, J. Chandler, and John Smith
Colebrook - Halssey Phillips, J. Blakesley.
Cherry Valley - Joel Rice, Dr. Clark, M. Kellogg, Horace Giddings.
Richmond - M. Pike, H. Rockwell, A. K. Garlick
Hartsgrove - A. Luddington, W. B. Hunt, M. Worthrig, Capt. Stearns
Plymouth - B. Hubbard, W. Blakesley, W. Mann
Kingsville - Daniel M. Spencer, Harvy Nettleton, Henry G. Thurber, Anson Titus.
Geneva - Wm. Ward, Solomon Fitch, Ira Sweet, R. L. Bartholomew

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Oct. 11, 1838 - Whole No. 344
LIST OF LETTERS - Conneaut - September 30, 1838
  , George
  , David
  , Shubel
  , Luther
  , Jacob
  , A. B.
  , Jacob
  , Downing
Armstrong, Edward
  , Charles
  , K. F.
  , David
  , George E.
Bartholomew, Washington
___ghton, John
  , James G.
  , Frederick
  , Martha, Mrs.
  , King
  , James 2
  , Silvester
  , Nathan
  , D E.
  , Mary F., Miss
  , A. L.
  , Wm. M.
  , Sally A., Miss
  , Daniell
  , John 2
  , Ebenezer
  , Joseph
  , J. M. 2
  , Madison
  , Benjamin or __ Samuel L.
  , Stephen
  , Lyman
  , Ephraim
- D -
Dodge, David
  , S. A. 2
  , Wm.
  , Daphna, Miss
  , H. G.
Dodge, Monroe
- E -
  , A
  , Wm. H.
  , Elizabeth, Mrs.
  , Dr. W.
  , Orrin
Fenton, Charles J. 2
  , Henry or Wm.
  , Dr. W.
  , Orrin
  , Matilda, Mrs.
 - G -
Guthrie, James
Guthrie, Porter O.
Griswold, Amos
- H -
Holden, Abigail, Mrs.
Hammond, A. C. 3
Hale, Benjamin
Hughes, P. G.
Harmon, Amanda H., Miss
Hackett, Allen
Hayward, Caleb
- J -
Jones, John
Joiner, W. P.
Joiner, Wm.
Jacobs, John Jun.
Jackson, Wm. H.
Joiner, Erwin or French, John W.
- K -
King, Phineas 5
Kline, Anthony
- L -
Lewis, Edward
Lillie, Benjamin
Loomis, Hiram
- M -
Maynard, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Moe, Hiram
Marcellus, John
Mershon, Isaac
Marsh, Sylvanus
- N -
Norton, Warren
Niles, A. W., Mrs.
Reuben, Norton
- O - P
O'Brien, Godford
Olds, Sarah Ann, Miss
Phillips, Jesse
Phillips, James
Pease, Geo. B.
Parker, Mary B., Widow
Payne, Noah
Putney, Jewit
Parks, John
Putney, George W.
- R -
Richmond, J. L., Rev.
Randall, B.
Roberts, Chauncey
Royce, Norton, B.
Rollin, D. M. L.
Ransom, Stephen
- S -
Smith, Doct.
Summer, Mr.
Squires, Wm. D.
Stafford, Hannah, Miss
Safford, Heman
Swan, Andrew, Jun.
Shipboy, Joseph W.
Singer, John V.
Selfridge, Edward
Stillman, Harriet, Mrs.
Sawdy, David
Sanorn, James N.
Sawdy, Laura, Miss
Sanborn & Haskell
- T - V-
Thompson, Volney
Taylor, Norman
Thompson, Rogers
Viets,, Roswell
- W-
Williams, Frederick 2
Williams, David
Webster, A. P.
Whiitney, Newell
Wallingford, Abigail, Mrs. 2
Wright, S. W. & Co.
Waldo, Shubel
                                                       A. DART, P.M.

LIST OF LETTERS - Kingsville - September 30, 1838
Brown, Chauncy P.
Barrett, Alfred 1
Blood, Orpha Ann
Cyphers, Anthony
Dibell, John
Fuller, James C.
Farr, Hyram
Fox, Ziba
Fitts, Harvey
Griswold, Gerard
Griffin, Lomer
Hays, Louisa D.
Heath, Reuben
Hibbard, Henry
Kezartee, James
Klumph, Alaxis
Munger, Stephen
Osborn, S. A.
Pease, Moses
Record, Charles
Shepard, Abel
Stillman, David
Staunton, Ruel
Tiffany, Curtiss
Titus, Anson
Woodbury, Daniel
Wright, Benjamin T.
                                                     GEORGE G. GILLETT, P.M.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, October 25, 1838 - Whole No. 346


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Nov. 22, 1838 - Whole No. 349
MARRIED - In this township on the 15th Inst. by Daniel Sawtell, Esq. Mr. Dewitt C. Hicks, to Miss Cordelia M. Flowers.
In Monroe, Mr. Barrett B. Gifford of this township to Miss Marcia Bushnell of the former place.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, November 29, 1838 - Whole No. 350
MARRIED - In this Borough, on the 22d inst. by S. F. Taylor, Esq., Mr. Thos. J. Carlin, of Westfield, N.Y., to Miss Mary Ann Dibble, of the former place.
The Printer was not forgotten.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, December 13, 1838 - Whole No. 351
DIED - In Monroe, on the 2ed ult. Miss Esther L., daughter of John Hardy, aged 20 years. She died of consumption, after a lingering illness of eight months.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, December 20, 1838 - Whole No. 352
DIED - in Kingsville on the 11th inst., Mrs. Catharine wife of Ralph Williams aged 52 years.
In this town on Monday the 17th inst. Thieza? Wright, daughter of Ralph and Polly Wright, aged 25 years.
She bore her last illness with christian meekness and fortitude; and died in the hope of a glorious and blessed immortality.
Song, beauty, youth, love, virtue, joh!? this group of bright ideas, flowers and paradise -
these titles were all her own.
And she was ours & we were - were most blest - Gay title of the deepest misery [her friends.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, December 27, 1838 - Whole No. 353
MARRIED - In this Township on the 19th inst. by Eld. Viets, Mr. Sylvester Rathbone of Monroe, to Miss Fanny Eliza Kent?, of the former place.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Jan. 23, 1839 - Whole No. 354

DIED - On Sunday evening, Susan Kelsey, aged 39 years, after a protracted illness which she bore with christian fortitude and in full faith of passing to a better world.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Jan. 10, 1839 - Whole No. 355
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Conneaut, Ashtabula County, O. on the first day of January, 1839
Appleby, Calvin
Allbright, David
Allar, Thomas
Bishop, Phileman 2
Brown, Luman 4
Brown, Mary F., Miss
Brown, Emeline S., Miss
Brown, Chauncery D.
Bond, Lucelia, Miss
Bushnell, George E.
Burrett, Francis
Broughton, John S. 2
Bryant, Willliam
Baker, Sabrina
Brooks, Nathaniel
Barney, Luther
Blodget, Myran
Barber, John
Bruce, Elisha
Burrington, Nelson
Baker, Benjamin
Bluff, Henry
Cook, Henry A.
Crittenden, Alfred
Coleman, John or John Jones
Crittenden, Isaac
Cringle, Cha's W., Capt.
Couch, Laura, Mrs. 2
Clark, Vesta W., Miss
Covil, Lemuel or Mrs. Eunice
Carter, F. H.
Capron, Hiara?
Culver, John
Clark, Hiram
Canfield, Frederick
Cole, Anaplias
Cooper, J. B.
Cowles, Clarisa , Miss
Dixon, Charlotte, Miss
Dodge, James M. 2
Dodge, thomas M.
Eldred, H. B.
Fenton, Sam'l. P.
Fenton, C., Mrs.
Flower, Cordelia, Miss
French, John W. or S. M.
French, John W.
Fuller, Ambrose
Farr, Orrin
Fairbanks, Elijah
Gilbert, Jonathan
Hewit, David
Hackett, James M.
Hackett, Allen 2
Hunt, Ann M., Miss
Hunt, Garrison
Hathaway, Richmond
Hoagg, Benjamin W.
Hoyer, George 2
Hutchins, Wm.
Hawkins, Wm. H.
Herriman, John
Jones, Samuel D.
Judd, Louisa
Janes, Howell W.
Keeler, A. L., Capt.
Knox, Mary, Miss
Lawrence, Wm. C. 3
Lanworthy, Dwelia 2
Lay, S. L.
Lang, Elder Daniel
Loomis, Jonathan
Laughlin, Henry
Marsh, Sylvanus
Murphy, John, Capt. or Walker, John G.
Moon, Benoni
Mendail, Hiram
McNair, Thomas 2
Moor, Robert
Moor, Hannah
Matson, Horace
Morris, P.
Miller, Jacob B.
Norton, Warren
Nicholas, John
Phelps, Willard 2
Prescott, Sam'l. c.
Pike, Stephen
Paine, Joseph
Putney, George W.
Pitcher, J. C.
Parks, Lucinda, Mrs.
Porter, Erastus
Pollman, Moses
Proctor, Sarah G., Miss
Perkins, Walter
Reid, Loren
Robinson, Ebenezer
Roberts, Chauncey
Ransom, Jared
Robinson, Richard
Rathburn, Joseph
Rogers, Edmund
Richmond, Susan, Miss
Richardson, Hannah W., Miss
Smith, George N.
Sanford, Susan, Mrs.
Spencer, Rufus B.
Sleighter, Tunis
Shepard, Charles
Simons, Cady
Shipboy, Joseph W.
Spears, Asa
Smith, Lyman L.
Thurbur, Lydia, Mrs.
Tinker, Levi
Townsend, W. H. & Co.
Taylor, Stephen P.
Thayer, Wm.
Vosburg, Leander
Warner, J. D.
Wiard, Osbra
Wood, Elizabeth, Miss
Whitney, Job 2
Wilder, Silas
Wright, Jonathan
Wood, Hiram
Wood, Betsey, Mrs.
Waldo, Eliza
Wilder, Hiram
Warren, Hooper
Whitney, Joseph G.
York, Elias
Persons calling for any of the above Letters will please say they are advertised.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining n the Post Office at Kingsville, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1838
Bennett, Daniel C.
Bullard, Seth
Bugbee, Z.
Benson, Louisa
Cabren, Mr.
Frost, Peter W.
Hart, Benjamin
Hoyer, George 2
Kerr, William
Klumph, Alaxis C.
Klumph, Thomas
Lyon, Geo. A.
Lockwood, William
Lepper, Scott
Peck, Elijah
Preston, Benjamin, Rev.
Stillman, David 2
Spencer, Ira
Snow, Artemas
Stuart, Philander
Wilbur, Hiram
White, William Jr.
A List of Delinquent Taxes in the Borough of Conneaut, for the year 1838
Appleby, C. W. 11700
same 1500
same 400
Appleby & Storrs 1500
Brown, Josiah 4000
Boyd, & Suydam 800
Barr, Alvah 900
Bram, Alexander 210
Bennett, Eleazer 800
Cook, H. A. 150
Foster, Sm., Heirs of 500
same 2100
same 1000
same 5500
Flagg, Junius 100
Fairchild & Fifield 2000
Hillyer & Robbins 1000
Kennedy, Samuel 3000
Knapp, Whitney & Lake 2500
Lyon & Appleby 1000
same 1000
Morton, George 500
Pitney, Lewis 2500
Robinson, I. A. 1200
Storrs, L. G. 3000
same 300
Wallingford, C. 1200
White, Noyes 200
Wilder, Elias, heirs of 4000
Fifield, Greenleif 2000
same 300
same 75
Borough of Conneaut,}
Dec. 25, 1838} I certify the above list to be a true copy of delinquent Taxes in this Borough for the year 1838. If not paid within 30 days from date, enough of each tract will be sold to pay the tax and the expenses thereof.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Jan. 17, 1839 - Whole No. 356
MARRIED - In Geneva, on the 30th ult. by Rev. J. J. Bliss, Mr. Joel Beard, to Miss Charlotte Jenning.
On the 1st. inst. by the same, Mr. Sylvester S. Watkins, to Miss Ruth C. Munger, all of the above place.
On the 1st inst. by Rev. D. M. L. Rollin, Mr. Almon Ring, of this township to Miss Eliza Mardle, of Beaver, Pa.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Jan. 24, 1839 - Whole No. 357
MARRIED. On the 22d ult. at Waterford, Pa. by Wm. Vincent, Esq., C. V. Eastman, Esq., to Miss Diana Moe, both of this township.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Jan. 31, 1839 - Whole No. 358
DIED. In this township on the 27th inst. after a protracted illness, Abigail, wife of Henry Lake aged 66 years. She has been a resident of this township from nearly its earliest settlement.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1839 - Whole No. 360


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1939 - Whole No. 361
MARRIED.. - In this Township, on the 14th inst. by S. F. Taylor, Esq., Mr. James R. Lord, of Meadville, Pa., to Miss Mary Cordelia Woodworth, of this place.
In Pierpont, on the same day, by Paul Howland, Esq. Mr. Joseph Williams to Mrs. Elmira Huntley, both of Pierpont.
In Girard, Pa., on Saturday the 16th in st. by the Rev. R. L. Lockwood, Mr. E. St. John Bemis, to Miss Caroline A. Scovill, all of Cleveland, Ohio.
We will dispense with the usual fee, under the circumstances.
In this township[, on the 17th inst. by Eld. M. D. L. F. Rollin, Mr. George C. Wright, of Cherry Valley, to Miss Lois Thompson, of this Township.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, March 14, 1839 - Whole No. 364


CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, March 1, 1839 - Whole No. 365
A man recently picked up an ash box in Cincinnati, which on examination, was found to contain the body of a dead infant.
SUICIDE - Mr. Buckley, a farmer in the town of Lewiston, Niagara county, hung himself on Wednesday last, in a fit of temporary insanity.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, April 4, 1839 - Whole No. 367
Nothing transcribed yet

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, April 11, 1839 - Whole No. 368
MARRIED. - In Andover, on the 20th inst., by Rev. Geo. Roberts, Mr. Wm. Dolph, to Miss Loree? Lyman, all of the above township.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, April 18, 1839 - Whole No. 369
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Harpersfield, O. March 31, 1839
Kemp, Henry G.
Ives, Able
Bronson, E. S.
Chapman, Harlow
Hubbard, Reuben
Hardy, John
Vanhooser, Lemuel
Brett, Isaac N., 2
Munn, Nathan
Harper, Robert, Esq. 7
Tower, Alfred
Woodworth, Daniel 3
Huntington, David
Bennett, Simeon L.
Wright, Solomon
Tillson, Thomas
Burtts, Joseph
Burdick, Ephraim
Bascom, Alva
Kelsey, Zenas P.
Crosby, Samuel
Harper, Robert
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Kingsville, O., March 31st 1839
Annis, Thos.
Barrett, Geo.
Brainard, Ira
Brown, Charles, Capt., or Rathburn, Joseph
Curtiss, Cha's
Davis, F. M.
Eastman, A. R.
Frost, Samuel
Hill, Vactor
Holden, Surviah
Lathrope, Colbee
Lines, Alfred
Martin, Thomas
McManners, John
McMillon, Dennis
McCue, John
Mercey, Elijah L.
Nettleton, Roger
Pease, Moses
Ransom, Thomas J.
Sage, Saml or Ransom
Spencer, Daniel M.
Stewart, P. Y.
Stevens, Seymor
Stevens, John
Stillman, David
Swift, Dan
Taylor, Alexander
Taft, M. D.
Torrey, Theodore
Tyler, Locia H., Miss
Webster, Betsey, Mrs.
Wilder, Artemas
LIST OF LETTERS remaining at the Post Office at Conneaut, O., March 31st, 1839
Appleby, Gilman
Bryant, Rufus
Brooks, James
Barnes, Edward
Benham, Louisa P., Miss
Barber, Francis
Bond, Ammi, Jr.
Blake, Willard
Burton, Thomas, Mrs.
Baker, Morrel
Barton, David
Burrington, Nelson 2
Barney, Cornelius H.
Bannister, Miles
Brooks, John estate
Burret, Margaret E., Mrs., administators of
Bachellor, Elijah
Braughton, John S.
Benjamin, E. G.
Brewer, A. H.
Brown, John
Bump, Abner
Collins, M. H. 2
Culver, John
Cambell, John
Cass, James 2
Cool, Benj. R. 2
Clark, Joel
Crittondon, Alfred
Cutler, Naham, Capt.
Crandall, Peleg
Clark, Hiram
Drury, Charles
Durfy, Smith
Doty, Elisha
Dennison, Palmer
Edmunds, Hiram 2
Easterwood, C.
Fox, Samuel
Ford, Ambrose *******
Foster, John
Finton, John
French, John W. 3
Gould, Nathan
Griswold, Levi
Gillet, Climena P., Mrs.
Guthrie, James
Hall, Charles
Hicks, D. W. C.
Hogle, Betsey, Mrs.
Hale, George
Hickox, Asa W. W.
Hammond, Anson C.
Harrington, Chester
Hall, Albina, Rev.
Hulett, Erastus
Haskall, John W. 2
Howard, Almira, Mrs.
Howe, Simon
Hall, L., Miss
Ives, John
Jones, Ira
Judson, Electa, Miss
Jones, Mary
Johnson, Stephen
Jackson, Wm. H. 2
Johnson, Wm.
Jones, Sam'l. D.
Judd, Andrew, Mrs.
Kennady, Sam'l. 3
Kruson, Mr.
Keeler, A. L., Capt.
Kendall, Stephen
Kennady, James
Lovejoy, Isaac A.
Lewis, Rebecca, Miss
Lord, James J.
Lee, John F.
McEals, Thomas
Mclang, K. Olson
Mahan, John
Morse, Joseph P.
Maynard, Elizabeth, Mrs.
Maranville, John
Marsh, Sylvester
Morgan, Jonah
Marcellus, Elijah
M'Donough, John
Niles, Abbey Jane, Miss
Noyes, Isaac
Noyes, Harmon
Noland, Mary S., Mrs.
Niles, J. M.
Norton, Nathan
Osburn, Fanny Ann R.
Owen, Benson
Paden, Saml H.
Payne, Harvey 2
Potter, Clark L.
Palmer, W. N.
Petty, P. or Wm.
Pope, Samson
Press, James
Remington, Gerome
Richards, H., Mrs.
Roberts, Hannah, Mrs.
Rogers, Edwin
Reid, J. A.
Richards, Alpheus
Rowland, Esther
Reed, James
Rood, Eli
Shipboy, J. M.
Sawtell, Wm. G.
Scannel, Aquilla
Sheffield, Sam'l. H. 2
Smith, Lyman L.
Stevens, Isaac
Sterry, D. W. G., Rev.
Sturdivant, Caleb
Sage, Thomas
Sawtell, Daniel 2
Thompson, Apollos
Vosburg, Evelina
Vanslyke, Wm.
Wiard, Osbra
Woodbury, Benj. 4
Willcox, Lyman
Whitney, C. S. 2
Winkler, John
Worden, Warren
Warren, Seth H.
Wires, Elder
Woolsey, Jas. H.
Whaley, Jeremiah
Wade, Elizabeth
Washburn, Porter
Woodcock, Ira
Whaley, John
Wright, Jonathan 2
'Tis coming! Truth's trimphal car,
With lamps of boundless lustre bright -
And Liberty's translucent star
Burns lovely in their holy light;
We see, we own! a Pow'r Devine
Speaks Freedom to the immortal mind;
And - spurning from the world the chain
Bids millions walk erect again.
THE next meeting of the Ashtabula County Anti-Slavery Society will be held in Rome, on Thursday the 25th of April inst. at 10 o'clock a.m. Several speakers will address the meeting, and a general attendance is requested, as matter of importance will require consideration and action.
By order of the Executive Committee. P. R. SPENCER, Corresponding Secretary
Dated 1st April, 1838
Bennett of the New York Herald says, in his letters from Washington, that at the late birthnight ball in that city, Amos Kendall was seen filling his breeches pockets with ham, and his coat pockets with cold chicken.
Mr. Ebenezer B. Gould, late of "Springfield, Pa. has run away to Montgomery X Roads, Wood county, Ohio, and left us minus about $2,00. Will the "Perrysburg Whig," favor us by giving this notice an insertion, and thereby warn the good people against the scoundrel. We will at any time reciprocate the favor.
D. D. Marsh, of Gustavus, Trumbull co. O. has "stept out," owning TWO DOLLARS.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, April 25 , 1839 - Whole No. 370
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Percival, late of the township of Wayne, deceased, to present them within one year to the undersigned, legally prove, for settlement; and all indebted to said estate are requested to settle forthwith.
ANSON I. GIDDINGS, Administrator
MARY PERCIVAL, Administrator
April 9, 1839

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 2, 1839 - Whole No. 371
Ira Benton, Esq., has come up missing, leaving us minus Three Dollars. Report says he has gone to Galena, Illinois. We will send a few extra numbers after him by way of ryder.
Lightning -- On Tuesday morning last, during a short thunderstorm, the house of Mr. Joshua Gibbs, in Slusser's addition to Canton was struck by lightning. The fluid struck the top of the chimney, descended the outside of the wall - a part passed through the wall, down a stove pipe, threw down a stove and through the floor - another portion descended and destroyed an apple tree - & another passed down a pump, splitting the stock. Fortunately none of the family were injured - Ohio Repository.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 9, 1839 - Whole No. 372

-------------------------------------- WILL CHECK THIS AGAIN

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 16, 1839 - Whole No. 373
MARRIED. - In this village on the 9th inst. by Eld. O. Barr, Mr. Jonathan L. Sampson to Miss Louisa Ryder of the former place.
In Fairfield, Crawford Co., Pa. on the 28th ult. by Mr. Porter Esq., Mr. George E. Bushnell of Elk Creek, Erie Co. to Miss Hellen M. Bligh, of the former place.
List of Land in the Borough of Conneaut, delinquent for Borough Taxes for the year 18__(m/b 1838)
Value Dollars Cents
Brown, Josiah 4000
arr, Alva 900
Brim, Alexander 210
Bennett, Eleazer 800
Cook, H. A. 150
Foster, Wm. Heirs of same 5100
Fairchild & Fifield 2500
Hillyer & Robbins 2000
Lyon & Appleby, same 1000
Pitney, Lewis 2508
Robinson, J. A. 1200
Wilder, Elias heirs of 4000
Kennedy, Samuel 5000
State of Ohio, Ash. co}
Borough of Conneaut. } I, Ezra Dibble, Marshall of said Borough, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct List of Lands in said Borough, delinquent for the Borough Taxes for the year 1838, with the amount of Taxes thereon, and that the same, or so much thereof as necessary, will be sold at public vendue for said delinquent taxes said cost of advertising, on the 20th day of May, A. D. 1839, at the Mansion House in said Borough. -
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M.
Conneaut, April 18, 1839 EZRA DIBBLE, Sheriff

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 23, 1839 - Whole No. 374
MARRIED. - In Kingsville, on the 16th inst., Mr. Henry Woodworth, of this Borough, to Miss Alvira Byington, of the former place.
SHERIFF'S SALES - WILL Transcribe upon Request.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, May 30, 1939 - Whole No. 375
The Spring term of the Conneaut Academy will commence on the 25th inst. Believing that the interests of the Institution will be promoted by a separation of the Male & Female departments, the Board have concluded to exclude Males entirely, and have engaged, Miss Sarah Bonney, to take charge of the Institution. Miss Bonney's reputation as a teacher, is a sufficient guarantee, that pupils intrusted to her care, will receive all the attention necessary to rapid improvement.
English Branches, $3,00
Languages, Latin & French, 5,00
Board may be had in private families, on reasonable terms.
By order of the President & Directors.
S. F. TAYLOR, Sec'y
March, 1839
SHIP WRECK - Steamer George Collier
House of Elisha Atkins, Pierpont, OH
In favor of R. W. Griswold vs. Elisha Atkins & Archibald Gould
May 8, 1839 372w2 $1,00
- - - -
House of Franklin Cowles, Harpersfield, OH
Taken to satisfy an Execution in favor of the Treasurer of the County of Ashtabula, for the use of John Brown vs. Robert Harper & Elihu Ward
May 8th, 1839 - 372w2 $1
- - - -
Taken to satisfy two Executions one in favor of Hallock & Bates vs. Samuel W. Forman & Henry R. Arnold, and the other in favor of Baird and Hucy, vs. S. W. Forman.
May 9th, 1839 - 372w4 $2,50
- - - -
Taken to satisfy an Execution in favor of W. Corning and Elias Randall vs. J. R. Giddings
May 9th, 1839 - 372w4 $175
- - - -
House of Franklin Cowles, in Harpersfield
Taken to satisfy an Execution in favor of the Treasurer of the County of Ashtabula, for the use of John Brown vs. Robert Harper and Elihu Ward.
May 8, 1839 - 372w2 $1
- - - -
Lands situated in Borough of Conneaut
Taken to satisfy an execution in favor of John T. Zeilly for the use of John Crowell vs. Solomon A Jones & Calvin W. Appleby
May 15, 1839 - 373w4 $2,00
- - - -
Land situated in Geneva, Ashtabula Co., Ohio
Taken to satisfy an execution in favor of Norman Dart and Russel Dart vs. Adna Scovill, Laura Smith and others
May 15, 1839 - 373w5 $2,00
- - - -
Land situated in Harpersfield, Ashtabula Co., Ohio
Taken to satisfy an Execution in favor of Charles M. Reed vs. Orlando Barrett
May 9, 1839 - 472w4 $1,25
- - - -
Land Situated in the Township of Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., Ohio
Taken to satisfy a decree in Chancery, in favor of Thomas M. Clark vs. Rimmon P. Cotton & others
May 15, 1839 - 373w4 $1,25 00

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 6, 1839 - Whole No. 376
The subscriber offers for sale his well known Tavern Stand in Conneaut, known as the MANSION HOUSE.
The location is not surpassed by any stand on the Ridge Road. It is the General Stage House for the eastern, western, and southern Stages, & is one and a half miles from Conneaut Harbor. - The terms will be such, as to ensure to the purchaser a rich investment.
Conneaut, March 13, 1839
NOTICE - I wish to let or sell, one acre of land lying on the North side of Main st. few rods West of the Christian Church, in Conneaut, including the Brick Blacksmith Shop with tools, &c.
Conneaut, Sept. 27, 1838 - 343tf
THE subscriber has re-opened the Conneaut House - where he will be happy to wait on such as shall faver him with their custom.
He will be ready to accomodate BOARDERS on Monday next, on reasonable terms.
Conneaut, April 10, 1839
BY virtue of a writ of Vendi Exponas, issued by the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Ashtabula County, and to me directed and delivered I shall expose to sale at public vendue, as the law directs at the house of J. Cole, in the township of Sheffield, on the 10th of June next, at 1 o'clock P.M. the following property, to wit: - One White horse Eight years old; One two year old roan Colt; One Brindle cow, (5 yrs old) A one horse Waggon, and one Cart - taken to satisfy an execution in favor of Keyes and Woodbury on Jeduthan Cole - U. LOOMIS, Shff.
Sheriff's Office, Jefferson, May 29th 1839} 375w3 $1,00
John Williams' Estate
THE Creditors of the above Estate, are notified to present their claims legally proven within twelve months; and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment, to LYNDS JONES, Adminstrator.
Jefferson, May 1, 1839 371w4
THE STATE OF OHIO} Court of Com. Pleas.
Ashtabula County, ss} April Term, A.D. 1839
At this term, of the Court James Huntley Administrator on the Estate of Lois Huntly deceased presented the final Account of his administration on said Estate. Ordered that said Account lie on file for Examination until the next term.
Attest, SAM'L HENDRY, Clerk
BY virtue of a writ of Vendi Exponas, issued by the clerk of the court of common please for Ashtabula county, and to me directed and delivered, I shall expose to sale at public vendue as the law directs at the court house door in Jefferson, on Monday the 17th of June, 1839, between the hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. the following described land viz: Part of sub-division No. 4, in original lot No. 1, in the Township of Monroe (Township No. 12, first Range) beginning in the south line of the road & west line of said subdivision No. 4, said to run eastwardly along the road so far as to meet lands levied upon by an Execution in favor of Sibley and Watson, vs. Wm. Ensign, thence to extend south between said Levy and the west line of said subdivision as far as to contain twenty acres: - taken to satisfy an Execution in favor of Isaac Smith vs. William Ensign. U. LOOMIS, Shff.
Sheriffs Office, Jefferson, May 15th, 1839} 373w5 $1,75
The State of Ohio} In the Supreme Court
Ashtabula County, ss.}
Elijah C. Case.} Petition for Divorce
NOTICE is hereby given to the said Elijah C. Case, that the said Beulah Ann Case, on the 17th day of Nov. A.D. 1838, filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court, her petition for a divorce, praying for causes therein set forth, that she may be divorced from the said Elijah Case, and that the bands of matrimony now existing between them may be dissolved, which said petition is still pending in said Court.
WADE & RANNEY, Solicitor's for Petitioner.
May 1, 1830. 371w
DIED. In this Borough, on the 1st inst. Mr. WILLIAM T. MATSON, aged 24 years.
In Chelsea, Vt., on the 13th ult., of the lung fever, MR. DANIEL BLOGETT, aged 76 years.
SEYMOUR A. USHER, of Monroe, has Swartwout, in debt about $1,00. Gone to Henderson Grove, Knox county, Ill. This will follow him.
WILLIAM L. HALL. We have received a letter from Mr. Hall, stating a train of circumstances in relation to our publication of his name in the "Black List." It appears, that the former proprietors of the Gazette, were indebted to him some $200,00, and further, that he had never seen the paper, not having lived at North East for the last year. Under this state of facts, we did him wrong, which we gladly acknowledge, as we hope to be ever ready to do, whenever circumstances shall require. The Postmaster at North East is the more at fault.

CONNEAUT GAZETTE - Conneaut, Ohio, Thursday, June 13, 1839 - Whole No. 377
BY virtue of a writ of
Fi Fa issued by the Clerk of the Court Common Pleas of Ashtabula County to me directed and delivered I shall expose to public sale at the House of Hyde Bael in Conneaut on Saturday the 15th of June next at two o'clock P.M. thirty thousand feet of Lumber (consisting of plank, inch boards, and weather boards) taken to satisfy an exception in favor of Jeremiah Mason vs. Hyde Buel.
By B. Carpenter, Deputy.
Sh'ff's Office Jefferson, 375w3$1
May 15, 1839
MARRIED - In Springfield, Pa., on the 6th inst. by E. Salisbury, Esq., Mr. Ephraim Marsh, of Harpersfield, O., aged 51 to Mrs. Catharine Sholts, of the former palce, aged 24.
BY virtues of a writ of Vendi Exponas, issued by the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Ashtabula County, and to me directed and delivered I shall expose to sale at public vendue as the law directs at the Court House door in Jefferson, on Monday, the 17th day of June, 1839, between the hours of 11 o'clock A.M. and four o'clock P.M. the following described Lands to wit:- Situate in the Borough of Conneaut, in said County, being part of blk. 128, and is bounded as follows: beg. at the NE cor. of sd. blk., thence S. along the W. side of Broad St., 340 ft.; to fifteenth st.; thence E. 14 rods to the place of beg.; - Taken to satisfy an Execution in favor of G. B. Glentworth &
Co., vs. Daniel Brooks.
U. LOOMIS, Shff.
Sheriff's Office, Jefferson,} 37sw4 $1,75
May 9th, 1839}
The State of Ohio} In the Supreme Court
Ashtabula Count, ss.
Mahala Siples}
Archibald Siples} Petition for Divorce
NOTICE is hereby given to the said Archibald Sipples that the said Mahala Sipples on the 10th day of June A.D. 1839 filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court her petition for a divorce, praying for cause from the said Arcibald Siples, and that the bands of matrimony now existing between them may be dissolved, which said petition is now pending in said Court.
N. D. MATTOON, Sole for Pet.
June 10th, 1839
FIRE - The dwelling house of the Rev. Am_ Bond, in Monroe township, was recently destroyed by fire, together with all its contents.
We have not heard the particulars, but understand his loss was serious.
BY virtue of a decree in Chancery to sell lands to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas for Ashtabula County, I shall expose to sale at public vendue as the law directs, at the Court house door in Jefferson, on Monday the 17t day of June 1839, between the hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. the following described Lot or parcel of land, in the Township of Conneaut, to wit. - In No. 14, of the first range of Townships in the Connecticut Western Reserve, being one equal undivided thirty-second part of the right, claim, or share of Zaphna Lake in the Moses Harmon place, so called, which is three fifths of the dower part of said farm, and two fifths of the value of said farm, making a share equal to about sixty-three or four acres of land. - Said farm situated in the Borough of Conneaut, and bounded East by Conneaut River, South by lands owned by A. Howard and Wm. Foster, West by lands owned by N. 'Wright and John Peters and North by lands owned by S. Kennedy and Cozens - Always excepting all buildings, now upon said lands, or which may be put on said farm by Zaphna Lake, - and the privilege to cut and take off any timber upon the said farm at any time before siad land is divided, to satisfy a decree in Chancery in favor of George E. Freeman & Zebulon Ross vs. James J. Jacoby and Zaphna Lake.
U. LOOMIS, Sh'ff.
Sheriffs Office, Jefferson May 14th, 1839.} 373w5 $3,00
In favor of John T. Zeilly for the use of John Crowell vs. Solomon Jones & Calvin W. Appleby.
U. LOOMIS, Sh'ff.
By B. Carpenter, Deputy
Sheriff's Office, Jefferson, May 15, 1839 } 373w4 $2,00
BY virtue of a writ of Vendi Exponas, issued by the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Ashtabula County, and to me directed and delivered I shall expose to sale at public vendue, as the law directs, at the courthouse door in Jefferson, June 17, 1839 between the hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. the following Lands to wit: - Situate in the Boroughn of Conneaut in sd County, being a pt. of Lot No. 5, in Tract No. 2, in fractional Township No. 14, in the first range of Townships in the Connecticut Western Reserve - and is bounded as follows: beg. at a stake in the SE cor. of a half acre Lot now or lately owned by Messrs. Hillyer and Roberts; thence S. about eight rods to Liberty St. thence Westerly along said street eight rods, thence northerly parallel with the east line to the SW cor. of the above described half acre, thence E along sd lot 8 rods to the place of beg.; taken to satisfy an execution in favor of McGill, Cannon & Co. vs. D. S. Gifford, B. B. Gifford, principals and Hiram Lake, surety.
Sheriff's Office, Jefferson, May 9th, 1839 } 372s4 $2.50





Conneaut, Ohio

This webpage was created by Sharon Wick, 2004